Short Story

Stratos and Evanthia are a young couple, who have been facing an uphill struggle for the past 3 years. These two parents’ lives turned upside down in May of 21’, when Evanthia was hit by a truck. The young woman sustained severe craniocerebral injuries, while a year later, Stratos was also involved in a car accident, which led to massive fractures of the lumbar spine. Thanks to your defining support, and thanks to the 3 consecutive aid campaigns that we organized, we managed to ensure Stratos’ and Evanthia’s  stay in the rehabilitation center. When the couple was finally discharged, we procured the orthopedic and medical equipment that was essential for their care and rehabilitation, while we also covered the cost of the home-based treatment program, to which they are subjected to this day. Today, however, the young couple needs our help one more time, since Stratos needs to be admitted in a rehabilitation center of Athens, in order to be subjected to a specialized physiotherapy and aquatic therapy program. At the same time, the speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions that Evathia is subjected to, need to increase in frequency. 

New round of treatments for Stratos and Evanthia! The young couple from Mytilene needs our help one more time!

by Act of Kindness

  • 141.177

    Funding Goal
  • 7.124,40

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Act of Kindness

136 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Stratos and Evanthia are a young couple, who have been facing an uphill struggle for the past 3 years. These two parents’ lives turned upside down in May of 21’, when Evanthia was hit by a truck, while sustaining severe craniocerebral injuries. Fate, however, had one more challenge in store for them, since precisely one year after Evathia’s accident, Stratos was also involved in a car accident, which led to massive fractures of his lumbar spine. 

A few months after Stratos’ accident, the young couple ended up in the same rehabilitation center, fighting for their lives. Stratos’ and Evanthia’s family, who now have full custody of their granddaughter, made a public appeal through ACT OF KINDNESS, since they were unable to cope with the cost of their treatments. 

Thanks to your defining support, and thanks to the 3 consecutive aid campaigns that we organized, we managed to gather the sum of 133,728,95€! A sum that allowed us to stand by this family’s side in all aspects of their lives. We ensured Stratos’ and Evanthia’s  stay in the rehabilitation center. When the couple was finally discharged, we procured the orthopedic and medical equipment that was essential for their care and rehabilitation, while we also covered the cost of the home-based treatment program, to which they are subjected to this day. 

Today, however, the young couple needs our help one more time. According to the professionals that monitor their progress, Stratos needs to be admitted as soon as possible, in a rehabilitation center of Athens, where he will have the chance to be subjected to a specialized physiotherapy and aquatic therapy program, which will allow his myoskeletal system to strengthen. At the same time, Evanthia needs to proceed with her home-based speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions, while these treatments need to increase in frequency. As we can all understand, the cost of the required treatments is immense, and the couple’s family needs our help one more time. 

An entire family’s life turned upside down in the worst possible way. These two parents suddenly found themselves unable to raise their little girl or to fend for themselves. Their life, however, can improve. The only thing they need for that to happen, is the chance to be subjected to the required treatments. We have the power to offer them that chance. We all join forces for Stratos and Evathia! 


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  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “STRATOS-EVANTHIA 456”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF8691719900094569456945 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “STRATOS-EVANTHIA 456”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.